Tuesday 22 March 2011

the new Allsteps

After the last events around the world, we had decide to change our blog, try to give you some different informations, for learn together the "why" of the things. Read below, this article is very interesting, we finded it on the blog of Beppe Grillo:

Dear politicians and journalists, do me a favour; don’t take the Italians for a ride. These are not humanitarian actions but acts of war. A dirty war, for energy, for oil, for gas. France, that after Fukushima no longer has a nuclear future, needs gas and oil. It’s at least since the time of Ustica that France and Italy have been fighting for the control of Libyan oil, when our skies became a theatre of war with French and Italian planes and Gaddafi, who was present, saved himself by his finger nails. Gaddafi was supported by us when he was installed, in the 1970s, armed by us. A part of his military forces was trained in Italy in exchange for a privileged relationship for gas and oil. 
This is a mad war that the Europeans don’t want. About which they have been informed as though it were any old bit of news, a sporting event. China and Russia are against it.Germany abstained in the Security Council and the African Unity’s Committee on Libya has refused “every foreign military intervention in Libya whatever the form”. The Mauritian president Abdel Aziz declared this, saying: “the very serious crisis that is going through this brother country demands an African solution”. President Aziz made it clear that “no African Union representative participated in the International summit in Paris on the Libyan crisis”. 
The UN had discussed a "No fly zone", not carpet bombing of Libya. Hundreds of missiles launched by the Americans and British towards “objectives” in an operation that has been renamed "Odyssey Dawn", Odyssey at sunrise. Language garnered from playstation. Rather than sunrise it seems more like the Sunset of the UN, more like an "Odyssey Sunset". Are there more civilian deaths at the hands of Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy or in Benghazi at the hands of Gaddafi? Perhaps those performed by Libyan hands are worth double? Article 11 of the Constitution says that “Italy rejects war as an instrument of aggression against the liberties of other peoples and as a means to resolve international controversies …”. Where are the parties brandishing the Constitution coming out into the streets? 
We are bombing an African Muslim nation, but not a single African nation or Muslim nation has taken part in the attack together with the Western powers, with the “crusaders”, as Gaddafi calls them. Saudi Arabia has invaded Bahrain in turmoil with protests, when will there be an attack on the sheiks? Gaza was transformed into a cemetery but no one intervened. Italy is an aircraft carrier with Canadian, Americana and British ships coming and going to and from our ports. With what right? We are a nation of limited sovereignty, but this is too much. Out with the American bases from Italy and before it is too late, out with Italy from the war. We know nothing of the Benghazi rebels, if they are opposed for reasons that are democratic, tribal, economic or religious. Nothing about anything. Let anyone who is without oil launch the first Tomahawk. The United States have launched 110 to get themselves ahead with the work.

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